
Trusted business advisors helping you focus on building a VALUABLE business

web design questionnaire

Quality web design is much more than building a website for your business

The following questionnaire will help clarify the website development kick-off and design process, and the information required to provide an effective website build for your business that is focused on helping you MANAGE, GROW and SCALE a VALUABLE business.

Please take the time to fill out as much of this form as possible.  If you are unsure about a question, don’t have an answer, or it seems irrelevant, don’t worry.  Note that there is unlimited space in all of the text fields and comment boxes.

All fields marked with an asterix (*) are required fields.  The form will give an error and not submit unless these fields are completed.

DESIGN | Please provide as much information as possible
REFERENCE WEBSITES THAT YOU LIKE | Please provide a minimum of three (3) websites that appeal to you: either competitors or sites unrelated to your industry that you feel may be relevant to the design of your site. Please comment on what you like/dislike about the design and features of these sites.
BRAND & TARGET AUDIENCE | Please complete the information below:
CONTENT & SPECIAL FEATURES | Please check any pages/features you envision as part of your site:
Thank you for your time! Please submit the information captured in the form by pressing the SUBMIT button below.

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